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Übersetzungen für mushing im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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mushing LUFTF

mush [mʌʃ] SUBST kein Pl

1. mush (soft mass):

papka f
maź f

2. mush ugs (sentimental story):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Mushing up steak and mashed potatoes.
We learned a new word today: mushing.
We open a third bottle and bumble along, seasoning some good mince, mushing it into round(ish) patties and frying it.
Carting as a sport is also known as dryland mushing and is practiced all around the world, often to keep winter sled dogs in competition form during the off-season.
While mushing is not for everyone, she finds it very rewarding.
I ate by putting food into my bottom jaw and mushing it against my bottom teeth with my fingers.
When you press a key, you're only mushing that part of the pad down to make electrical contact.
The kids are all right with mushing dogs.
The next day, we tried our luck at mushing a team ourselves.
It involves one or more dogs pulling specially made scooters, a summer version of dogs mushing with sleds.

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