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Übersetzungen für newly-weds im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für newly-weds

the newly-weds Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He even employed a uniformed commissionaire to meet and greet the newlyweds.
This caused quite a problem for the newlyweds.
Despite the difficulty of the journey, it is almost like a honeymoon for the newlyweds, who enjoy talking and joking together.
They struggle with life as newlyweds sustaining a family owned business.
After the sparsely attended middle-class ceremony, the newlyweds leave town on their honeymoon.
Clement visited the newlyweds in bed the next morning and added his blessings to the night's proceedings.
This seemingly insignificant circumstance together with the girl's family tradition became a serious but brief obstacle for newlyweds.
The duration of maternity leave was extended, the child allowance increased, and newlyweds were subsidized with attractive state loans.
Over the next few days they fall in love again and run off together, thereby upsetting the newlyweds' honeymoon and their respective (current) spouses.
The visual decorations included two arcades, one shining as a sun, to represent the king, the other as a moon, to represent the newlyweds.

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