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Übersetzungen für non-monetary im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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non-monetary ADJ WIRTSCH

non-monetary assets

Beispielsätze für non-monetary

non-monetary assets

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Overall, the agency secured both monetary and non-monetary benefits for more than 23,446 people through administrative enforcement activities - mediation, settlements, conciliations, and withdrawals with benefits.
In these areas, khatbas are typically paid for their services with non-monetary goods or services, such as gifts or favors.
These policies can include bonuses, stocks or salary increases but can also include non-monetary incentives such as additional vacation days or a larger office.
Overhead costs are usually measured in monetary terms, but non-monetary overhead is possible in the form of time required to accomplish tasks.
The book's most entertaining parts are discussions on non-monetary debts and debts portrayed in literature.
The declaratory judgment is distinguished from another important non-monetary remedy, the injunction, in two main ways.
It is advertised as a non-monetary issue that will never be released for circulation.
Other critics argue that government financing, with its emphasis on equalizing money resources, merely exaggerates differences in non-monetary resources.
Some support a non-monetary form of trade in the form of post-monetary trade unions and commons.
On the other hand, a psychic benefit occurs when one of the rewards of an action or choice are non-monetary.

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