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Übersetzungen für once-over im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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once-over SUBST ugs

Beispielsätze für once-over

to give sb/sth the once-over

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

First things first, call your city's water department, and have them come out to give your system a once-over.
She gave the 1,100-square-foot locale the once-over a couple of hours later.
Put that lot together and it adds up to once-over lightly.
Next, make sure it is clean inside and out - not just a quick once-over, but seriously cleaned.
She was not one for a once-over-lightly look at what the policy team was advocating.
And what they set out at the curb may be getting the once-over.
Make sure to give them a once-over with a damp towel to keep the grime down.
But in other places, they are not required to get the once-over.
But it's not the only thing prospective mates are eyeing when they give chaps the once-over.
Give it a once-over with a good dollop of alcohol gel and your hot towel or a tissue when you get on the plane.

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