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Übersetzungen für own up im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für own up

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But you can't own up one, two years after the fact.
Occasionally, a sympathetic passerby would own up to seeing him, and drop an offering onto the small patchy bag beside him.
I'll own up to that, but we won the race.
We need to own up to some responsibility there, we need to look at why, and we need to let that inform how we're making decisions for the future.
You should just own up to yourself and work to achieve whatever you want to do.
When police make mistakes, they must own up to them.
Though players can only control a maximum of 12 units at a time with 120 tactics, they can own up to 48 plus an additional 2 for each reincarnation.
Before you do anything else, own up to what has happened and don't try to downplay it.
Tom encourages her to own up.
Probably not because they have just wasted thousands of dollars -- who wants to own up to that?

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