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Übersetzungen für packet im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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packet [ˈpækɪt] SUBST

1. packet Brit (container):

packet of cigarettes
paczka f

2. packet ugs (money):


pay packet SUBST Brit

1. pay packet (wages, salary):

pay packet
zarobki mpl

2. pay packet (envelope):

pay packet

wage packet SUBST Brit

1. wage packet (pay):

wage packet

2. wage packet (envelope):

wage packet

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It speeds up the data transfer until packets start to drop, then slows down the transmission rate.
In other words, during the time that would otherwise be spent waiting, more packets are being sent.
Each queue has limited size and it will drop all coming packets if it reaches that limit.
Adding properties to a packet does not affect existing properties.
Red packets almost always contain money, usually varying from a couple of dollars to several hundred.
Packet ships were eventually established to move freight through the waterway.
X.25 is a notable use of packet switching in that, despite being based on packet switching methods, it provided virtual circuits to the user.
The figures to the right show how with the addition of many plane waves, the wave packet can become more localized.
Married couples will give red packets to the children.
Delay can also vary from packet to packet so averages and statistics are usually generated when measuring and evaluating queuing delay.

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