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Übersetzungen für peace pipe im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für peace pipe

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The society of the winning university would return the peace pipe to its university until the next meeting of the two teams.
Two tribe leaders would smoke a peace pipe to symbolize the new peaceful relations that would be held between the tribes.
The peace pipe was believed to be over 100 years old at the time it was donated in 1940.
And, of course, your professional association looks on and smiles to itself: the antagonists have smoked the peace pipe.
Records indicate that the tradition continued through 1974, but the peace pipe exchange did not take place in 1975.
District health authorities apparently not happy with this situation decided to use the occasion of their end of year get- together to smoke peace pipe with the political authorities.
This consists of game, usually a deer, and pottery or a peace pipe.
From here, historical hard core rival enemies are smoking the peace pipe now.
Representatives from each schools newspaper smoked a six-foot peace pipe, carved from wood with the winning school keeping the pipe until the renewal of the tradition the following basketball season.
Frying pan fiddles, a walking-stick violin and a peace pipe you can play country music on.

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