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Übersetzungen für piercingly im Polnisch » Englisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Musically, this finale consists of a giddying sequence in woodwind and strings, abruptly cut off by a piercingly dissonant, yet dynamically restrained chord in the upper strings.
We say no to all those questions, and these six new stories are as piercingly sharp as anything the show has produced.
With the rains the temperatures which were currently hot during the day and pleasant at night would drop rapidly to become piercingly cold.
The dictionary definition of jaded feels piercingly critical: dulled or satiated by overindulgence; worn out or wearied; dissipated.
The conclusion is piercingly bleak in tone and formally original in execution.
Think of a piercingly loud car alarm on helium.
Quite another is a trip down memory lane presented in piercingly vivid?
When expressed through visual means, they can also be piercingly powerful.
The music is a low, echoing shiver, the words about desperate individuals piercingly clear, the light blue.
Other riders, it was noted, confirmed the piercingly cold conditions along the route, with many of the drinking tubes of their hydration packs totally frozen over.

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