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Übersetzungen für play down im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für play down

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Schools (but not individual athletic teams) can elect to play up to a higher classification but can not play down to a lower classification than their enrollment places them.
It's not standoffish, nor does it choose to play down the purely hedonistic elements of this culture's timeless soundtrack.
Instead of giving a straightforward answer, he appeared to have played with words and repeatedly dodged the key question to play down the controversy.
Players have been known to have issues with classification because some players play down their abilities during the classification process.
Online critics also accused the pro-government media of trying to play down the incident and skirting key issues.
Other theoretical and empirical studies tend to find results that similarly play down the strength and role of limiting similarity in ecology and evolution.
Social pressures can cause children to play down their intelligence in an effort to blend in with other students.
Don has this play down pat.
Otherwise, he must play down.
Some play down the massacre as a misunderstanding between the two sides, while even the most accurate are watered down versions of the event.

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