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Übersetzungen für pole star im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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pole star SUBST ASTRON

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While other stars' apparent positions in the sky change throughout the night, as they appear to rotate around the celestial poles, pole stars' apparent positions remain virtually fixed.
In order for the axis of the centrally situated planet to stay aligned with the pole stars, it must track them as they circle around the sky.
These known intervals were predetermined by timing a star of known declination passing from one wire to the other, the pole star being best on account of its slow motion.
Most other names are directly tied to its role as pole star.
In the direction of the planes the pole star is visible.
The pole stars were used to navigate because they did not disappear below the horizon and could be seen consistently throughout the night.
Hunt called his friend the pole star to which all other attorneys should be measured.
I suggest to you that this may at least in spirit be a denial of their right to equal protection with the virtual pole star of our constitutional ambit.
But he recognized they were not the elusive pole star of the south.
It is very close to the north celestial pole, making it the current northern pole star.

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