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Übersetzungen für porpoising im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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porpoising NAUT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Two dozen dog-like heads nodded in the white churn of the dam's tailrace, their sleek bodies porpoising as they hunted.
The plane's altitude was bouncing between 280 and 320 metres, suggesting a porpoising flight path from a shallow climb to a speedy dip.
The phenomenon was known as porpoising, as the car appeared to be lifting and squatting at different speeds, causing it to lurch violently through corners.
Lack of elevator control is sometimes problematic if the phugoid oscillation isn't well-damped leading to unmanageable porpoising.
While swimming, crabeaters have been known to engage in porpoising (leaping entirely out of the water) and spyhopping (raising the body vertically out of the water for visual inspection) behaviors.
That's because they are aided by a process known as porpoising.
It exhibits at least six marine terraces; evidence of repeated tectonic uplift and subsidence (so called porpoising).
It set off in the morning to the trials, but on the take-off run, baulked by a small boat, the aircraft began porpoising and was wrecked.
An aircraft in such a condition can appear to be porpoising switching between upward and downward directions.
Porpoising (seen in cetaceans, penguins, and pinnipeds) may save energy if they are moving fast.

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