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Übersetzungen für portraitist im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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portraitist [ˈpɔ:trɪtɪst, Am ˈpɔ:r-], portrait painter SUBST

portrecista(-tka) m (f)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is a reluctant portraitist, and this was only his second portrait.
At the same time, in the first decade of the 20th century, he worked as a portraitist.
He was an excellent portraitist throughout his career and it was that which mainly occupied him in the last years of his career.
In 1825, he began work as a silhouette portraitist, taking full-length likenesses in profile by cutting out black paper with scissors.
He is most notable for his landscapes and was also a popular portraitist.
The monastery possesses a series of about 20 portraits of monks, despotes and igoumens painted by the famous portraitist.
The sky, which has no memory of its own, is tremendously fortunate to have her as its portraitist, its analyst, its biographer.
Unlike other major theatrical portraitists of the time, he created his images in the camera, rather than manipulating them later at the printing stage.
He tried to work as a freelance portraitist, but received few commissions.
It sealed his reputation as a portraitist; then as today it is considered his greatest male portrait.

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