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Übersetzungen für prize-giving im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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prize-giving SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An annual sailing barge race ends with a parade of sail and prize-giving at the quay.
All four were rewarded at the prize-giving as they shared the over 40 and over 50 awards between them.
The structure of the day was also changed, moving the prize-giving ceremony to 11am (directly following the priory service), and having lunch after this.
The cultural events are followed by the prize-giving ceremony.
It is an occasion when the school is on display - there are exhibitions, musical performances, the school play, sporting events, as well as prize-giving and the headmaster's speech.
The school holds an annual prize-giving ceremony which commends students who have done exceptionally well in their subjects.
It's sometimes said of theatre reviewers that we couldn't organise a booze-up in a brewery and our annual prize-giving tends to confirm that harsh view.
At the end of the week is prize-giving day.
During the prize-giving ceremony more than a hundred taka used to be spent for fireworks.
So you are not going to turn up to the prize-giving and are going to have a sulk instead.

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