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Übersetzungen für prowess im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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prowess [ˈpraʊɪs] SUBST kein Pl form

Beispielsätze für prowess

sporting prowess

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The amount of prowess that a player gains depends on the difficulty or rarity of each achievement.
As a result of his exceptional physical prowess and intelligence, he rose to leadership within his first year.
Despite his athletic prowess, he admitted his main focus was always academics.
The challenger would strut about adorned with feathers in his cap bragging about his prowess ("chantant le coq").
A character's performance in battle is determined by numerical figures (called statistics) for vitality, attacking power, defensive capabilities, speed, magical prowess, accuracy, and evasion.
His visual style and directing prowess was appreciated and talked about by everybody.
Free jumping is used as a diagnostic tool by most warmblood breeding societies to evaluate jumping prowess in breeding stock.
She is aware of her prowess as a pilot and is prideful and headstrong.
It also has four musical formations, as well as groups demonstrating prowess in horseback or motorcycle maneuvers.
A school letter can now be won by intellectual prowess as well as athletic.

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