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Übersetzungen für quadruplets im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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quadruplets [ˈkwɒdrʊpləts, Am kwɑ:ˈdru:-] SUBST Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is due to the fact that tamarins commonly give birth to twins and, to a lesser extent, triplets and quadruplets.
He tracked down identical quadruplets -- an extremely rare group, given that the chance of giving birth to identical quadruplets is one in 13 million.
Twins are common, however, some singles, often triplets and occasionally quadruplets are produced.
The mean gestational age at delivery is approximately 37 weeks for twins, 33 weeks for triplets and 28 weeks for quadruplets.
Staff at a wildlife centre were overjoyed after a pair of otters became parents to cute quadruplets.
But while the quadruplets are changing and growing so quickly, one thing that hasn't changed yet is how they just love to be together.
A mum of quadruplets has shaved numbers into the heads of her six-year-old sons to help teachers work out which kid is which at school.
More than half of all stars are in multiple systems: binary stars, or even triplets or quadruplets, that orbit one another.
All four of the quadruplets were safely delivered and born healthy.
Apart from triplets, there has also been an increase in the number of women giving birth to quadruplets.

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