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Übersetzungen für quicklime im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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quicklime SUBST kein Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Substances such as quicklime and sulfur could be toxic and blinding.
A lime-burning kiln at the site was closed for a while in 2006 after testing showed quicklime dust was escaping into the atmosphere.
Chemical warfare had been experimented with during the early period with sulfur, quicklime (calcium oxide), and others, and developments continued.
There are still three kilns for burning the lime to make quicklime.
The pair dispose of the bodies by depositing them in abandoned buildings, covering them with quicklime and tarps, and boarding up the buildings again.
Quicklime briefly went clear and looked the likely winner.
The kiln, which produced 200,000 tonnes of quicklime a year for use in the steel industry, required 300,000 of investment to resolve the problems.
Some of his styptics are powerful escharotics and astringents, such as copperas, chalcitis, alum, galls, quicklime, rosin, and frankincense.
Finally, the executors covered the dead bodies with quicklime to accelerate their decomposition, and eliminate or minimize any evidence of the crime.
His next step was to compound the rubber with magnesia and then boil it in quicklime and water.

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