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Übersetzungen für quirk im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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quirk [kwɜ:k, Am kwɜ:rk] SUBST

1. quirk (strange habit):


2. quirk (something strange):

quirk of fate
by a quirk of fate

Beispielsätze für quirk

quirk of fate
by a quirk of fate

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A quirk in this game's input parser provided an unintentional surprise bit of morbid gameplay.
He has an odd quirk of sometimes randomly saying dramatic and often strange or incoherent phrases.
One of her personality quirks, for example, is that whenver she tries to lie, she faints.
He never really like any of her relatives because of their eccentric quirks.
It's a celebration of any sort of quirks or eccentricities.
Through all his quirks he is a very interesting human being.
The difference is most likely due to quirks of the fossil record.
Many organizations promote regular competitions in this frequency to promote its use and to familiarize operators to its quirks.
It helps the casual fans; no new quirks to learn, but rather the procedures of a major sports league to fall back on.
By a quirk of timing, the 2005 election was the first election since 1996 at which the electorates were not redrawn since the previous election.

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