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Übersetzungen für radiographer im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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radiographer [ˌreɪdiˈɒgrəfəʳ, Am -ˈɑ:grəfɚ] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Without the dosimeter, the radiographer may be unaware of an overexposure, or even a radiation burn, which may take weeks to result in noticeable injury.
The radiographer has to adjust the position of the machine several times during conventional treatments.
Sadly, the elimination of just one of these devices can jeopardize the safety of the radiographer and all those who are nearby.
This device is intended to prevent the radiographer from inadvertently walking up on an exposed source.
This exposure is created when the radiographer places the source of radiation at the center of a sphere, cone, or cylinder (including tanks, vessels, and piping).
In addition, medically related courses are given to prepare the students for careers in the health care field such as: physician, nurse, medical laboratory technologist, radiographer, physical therapist, etc.
The test object or phantom allows a radiographer or medical physicist to check the consistency of the image quality performance of the imaging device.
The radiographer was also advised of the possibility of having the situation reviewed by an independent adjudicator.
When properly calibrated, used, and maintained, it allows the radiographer to see the current exposure to radiation at the meter.
The solicitor had adequately rebutted the radiographer's complaint that he failed to reply to certain emails; he had properly responded to all correspondence.

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