Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für raffle im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

I . raffle [ˈræfl̩] SUBST

II . raffle [ˈræfl̩] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für raffle

raffle ticket
to raffle sth [off]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each winning raffle number wins a fixed amount of 20,000.
The free event features food, games, a raffle and music.
The half-time show includes a performance by a special all-male cheerleading squad, as well as a raffle.
The festivities lasted four days and included dancing, raffles, and the manumission of slaves.
Raffles seized much of the contents of the court archive.
It has an annual fundraiser which is a benefit group exhibition and raffle.
A raffle including car kits, engines, radios, tires, tools, etc., donated by the race sponsors, contributes to the appeal of this race.
Cash prizes and a handmade quilt made by ladies in the community are raffled at the end of the day's events.
Funds for the construction were collected by way of cultural programmes, fetes and raffles organised by the parish and the school.
A raffle was held to pick a citizen to drive the first car down the mall in four decades.

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