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Übersetzungen für refill im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . refill [ˈri:fɪl] SUBST

1. refill:

refill (for pen)
wkład m
refill (for pencil)
rysik m

2. refill ugs (another drink):

would you like a refill?

II . refill [ˌri:ˈfɪl] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für refill

would you like a refill?

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Likewise, the mat greatly reduces evaporation, to the point that the batteries do not require periodic refilling of the water.
The lake ran dry during most of the 1950s and was refilled in the early 1960s.
No refills available for those short term cards.
In some areas, firefighters simply ran out of water as there was no power to refill the emptied reservoirs.
Consumers have a motivation to refill their own cartridges either themselves or through third parties.
Water is fed to the tank to replenish its supply, and a smaller flow is directed into the overflow tube to refill the bowl.
The player's health is represented by a gauge that can be refilled by picking up energy pellets.
The role of the waiter or waitress in this case is relegated to removal of finished plates, and sometimes the ordering and refill of drinks.
For example besides providing repair and energy refill, a military base also provides land units with defense bonus but will hinder them from moving freely.
After sealing the bag, the chamber is refilled with air by the automatic opening of a vent to the outside.

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