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Übersetzungen für return flight im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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return flight SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

After that, all survivors stretched out on sleeping bags and kapok mattresses, and slept as much as possible during the return flight.
For the return flight an extra passenger was carried although the aircraft had only 16 passenger seats.
He was in charge of rationing the spacecraft's power during the return flight.
After a long return flight, it came above an opening in the clouds and, to the delight of the observers, was immediately illuminated by the radar-directed searchlight.
During the next five and a half hours of the return flight he several times lapsed into unconsciousness owing to loss of blood.
This caused problems on their return flight.
On the return flight, three passengers chose each airline.
Waiting at the airport for the return flight were 120 other employees and their families.
In some countries a return flight ticket, travel itinerary and accommodation bookings might also be required.
The return flight is much shorter with fewer enemy planes than the missions to get to the enemy base.

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