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Übersetzungen für reverential im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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reverential [ˌrevərˈenʃəl] ADJ form


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The work must be wholly ideal, guided by a few suggestive hints, all of which are in harmony with grace, delicacy, dignity, and reverential regard.
The practice involves preparing the "pah kwan" or the flower trays and placing at a central location for people to gather around it in reverential prayers.
Occasionally her tone seems a bit too casually reverential...
She blows in like a storm, shaking up the story's reverential solemnity with gusts of energy and comedy.
His graceful playing on the veena in strictly traditional style evoked a reverential listening.
He took care to find fault but seldom, and, therefore, when he did rebuke he was listened to with a kind of reverential awe.
Modern sacred art should be reverential and still reflect the spirit of our time.
It is typically sung by the players in the style of a raucous chant after every victory and treated with reverential consideration and respect within the team.
This reverential silence was more impressive than the organized ceremonial of the following days.
All over the nation this year suburban and rural libraries and galleries will mount largely reverential displays of portraits, photographs and mementoes of war.

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