Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für robber im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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robber [ˈrɒbəʳ, Am ˈrɑ:bɚ] SUBST JUR

grave robber SUBST

grave robber

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The damage seen to the ears of many of the reserve heads is thought to be due mainly to rough handling by tomb robbers.
The foremost robbers jump in clothes and all and strike out for the opposite bank.
There were thought to be at least six armed robbers involved.
The officers jumped out of their 4x4 vehicle and pursued the robbers after the security officer had blocked their getaway car with his van.
They often inhabit great tombs or temple complexes, destroying would-be grave robbers.
At this time, many archaeologists underestimated the public perception of archaeologists as non-productive members of society and grave robbers.
The grave robber sneaks into a crypt and immediately searches through a coffin for valuables.
This hotel was a popular haunt for highway robbers and smugglers.
Robbers, he says, are far less dangerous than a well-organized government.
The man went for his third and last ox, and the robbers said that they would make him the band's leader if he stole it.

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