Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für rummaged im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

I . rummage [ˈrʌmɪʤ] VERB intr

II . rummage [ˈrʌmɪʤ] SUBST kein Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Dumpster diving is not, however, limited to rummaging for food.
Another man rummages through his home for goods to sell at a flea market, upsetting his family.
For lack of storage space, the rummage was kept in members' cars until there was room for it on the counters.
A rummage sale was held and the sum of 125 was raised to purchase a kit and all the other equipment necessary to get started.
This is basically an organized flea market, where one has to rummage through junk to find what one wants.
The name is based on a misunderstanding of young knaves, which was found by the band when rummaging through a book.
The rummage sale begins, and the items on sale seem to be having an unexpected effect on those that buy them.
Defendant simply lets the plaintiff rummage through, placing the burden on the other party.
The album's title comes from the band's tour manager of the time, who would often spend afternoons rummaging thrift stores and purchasing strange memorabilia.
Self-taught, she is said to have found the zither whilst rummaging in a cupboard as a small child.

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