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Übersetzungen für scars im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . scar [skɑ:ʳ, Am skɑ:r] SUBST

1. scar (mark):

blizna f
scars of war

2. scar GEO:

III . scar <-rr-> [skɑ:ʳ, Am skɑ:r] VERB intr

Beispielsätze für scars

scars of war

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He displayed a scar which even just after the healing looks old.
The characteristics of the 1953 landslide scar were investigated using a high resolution multibeam echo sounder.
He survives, but at the sacrifice of his right eye, which is now red and has a scar.
However, the scar prevents axonal extensions via physical and chemical means.
Deep crevasses scarred their surfaces, making travel across them dangerous.
A couloir may be a seam, scar, or fissure, or vertical crevasse in an otherwise solid mountain mass.
Low outcroppings of rock in the mown turf were grooved and scarred by the last glacial period.
After a young boy falls into a bonfire, his face is left horribly scarred.
His youth was scarred by a series of family tragedies.
Their voices are exactly the same, and they share identical scars and moles.

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