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Übersetzungen für scrawls im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . scrawl [skrɔ:l, Am skrɑ:l] VERB trans

II . scrawl [skrɔ:l, Am skrɑ:l] SUBST

1. scrawl kein Pl (untidy writing):

2. scrawl (sth written untidily):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His drawings and comments have an air of spontaneity, as if they had been scrawled just a minute or so before press time.
He finished off his outfit by scrawling his number on the back in magic marker.
Her own hand was scrawling and childlike.
As she worked her way back to the stage, she again hugged fans, squeezed their outstretched hands and scrawled quick autographs.
Supposedly the idea it just struck him while eating, and he scrawled the concept on paper tablecloth, and it eventually blossomed into the fiendwurm.
He scrawls a joke for his stand-up comedy act.
He throws a soup can down through the chimney with a message scrawled on it.
He first started noting down scrawls on the walls that attracted his attention without any reason but then became fascinated with those messages.
She quickly became obsessed by the intriguing scrawls within it and shared it with the others.
On some 550s owned by privateers, a crude hand written number scrawled in house paint usually served the purpose.

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