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Übersetzungen für scurry im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . scurry [ˈskʌri, Am ˈskɜ:ri] VERB intr

II . scurry [ˈskʌri, Am ˈskɜ:ri] SUBST kein Pl

1. scurry (sound of feet):

tupot m

2. scurry (scurrying):


Beispielsätze für scurry

to scurry off

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Submissive birds lower their head and hold their body horizontal and scurry past dominant individuals.
That put an end to any hope that they would quickly scurry back to work...
Scurry played three games in 1992 as a forward.
This monster quickly scurries along the ground by using its massive legs.
A mouse set loose for exercise should be carefully observed, as they tend to scurry into a hiding spot and can be difficult to retrieve.
Shrews are descendants of the earliest mammals, which were scurrying creatures that had a diet of insects.
Their characteristic scurry and fly search pattern when looking for hosts is quite distinctive, even when seen from a distance.
His delivery is one of screeching anticipation and, even when events are relatively calm, he has been known to send dogs scurrying for cover.
The 1947 models were so revolutionary that it had other car builders scurrying back to their drawing boards.
Once the pocket mouse has filled its cheeks with the seeds, it will scurry down into its burrow to unload its provisions.

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