Englisch » Polnisch

sew <-ed, sewn [or -ed]> [səʊ, Am soʊ] VERB trans, intr

sew up VERB trans

1. sew up hole, wound:

sew up

2. sew up ugs:

sew up deal
sew up election

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This was where the large ship sails were cut and sewn.
A thick outlining thread is stitched down along the lines of the pattern, sewing net and fabric together.
She teaches women how to sew, delivers food to the hungry, pays the debts of the poor.
It used to have cooking and sewing classes.
The wefts are then sewn onto the braids, usually with a specially made, blunt-ended needle.
This is usually two single (buckled or sewn) reins, though sometimes split reins may be seen on western-style bridles.
This way, the collection was not sewed but constructed and it required 4 months.
Some of these new classes included bookkeeping, cooking, drafting, sewing, typewriting, and woodworking.
Most children were taught only service work like blacksmithing, farming, sewing, etc. at the boarding schools.
He is given his name by the mask he wears, which is grey sackloth sewn together.

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