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Übersetzungen für shyness im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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shyness [ˈʃaɪnəs] SUBST kein Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He said he started singing at the age of five, but his shyness kept him from singing in public until he was 20.
She took her part in town activities, attended her church, and offset his shyness with a cheery friendliness.
Shyness or cringing in the show ring is alone sufficient to disqualify a dog in that country.
When she was nine, her parents sent her to acting classes to cure her of her shyness.
Protectors' shyness with strangers can make them seem to be cold even though they are often warm and sympathetic.
Research confirms this distinction between introversion's preference for a quieter and less stimulating environment and shyness' fear of negative judgment.
However due to her shyness, she is unable to properly tell him how she feels.
However, his musical elitism, unusual dress sense and apparent pride is actually a mask to hide his own shyness around girls, among other things.
Some dogs may be reserved in new situations but shyness in adult dogs is considered a flaw.
Shyness affects people mildly in unfamiliar social situations where one feels anxiety about interacting with new people.

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