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Übersetzungen für sidestep im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . sidestep <-pp-> VERB trans

1. sidestep (avoid):

to sidestep sb
to sidestep a speeding car

2. sidestep issue, problem:


II . sidestep <-pp-> VERB intr

Beispielsätze für sidestep

to sidestep sb
to sidestep a speeding car

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The player character can rotate left and right, walk and run forwards and backwards, and sidestep.
The show's production framework sidesteps many of the labor and time intensive activities normally associated with animated content creation.
While the director's intent in giving us a fresh and different commercial film is evident, sadly, he doesn't manage to sidestep the genre's pitfalls.
Players can bob and weave, duck, and block, and sidestep enemies' attacks and deliver stronger blows.
He argues that this is because most ethical debate sidesteps any prior clarification of the purpose of human life on the earth.
This series sidestepped the canon/non-canon continuity question by setting its stories in an entirely new universe.
I just sidestepped at the end of the game, right in the 80th minute, and it just went.
To satisfy this urge he sidestepped and worked in strategy consulting for two years.
The removal of an emphasis on realistic settings allows these explanations to be sidestepped.
This problem was sidestepped to some degree by using otherwise unusable codes to give access to the fringe non-director exchanges from the director area.

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