Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für skein im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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skein [skeɪn] SUBST

1. skein of wool:

motek m

2. skein of geese, swans:

klucz m

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Manufactured niddy-noddies can be made of different sizes, producing skeins from 12 inches in length to 4 feet in length.
Either one of the crossbars will have a flat edge to allow the skein to slide off, or will be completely removable.
It is a common practice to save the yarn band for future reference, especially if additional skeins must be purchased.
The pointer allows the spinner to see how close she/he is to reaching a skein.
To do this, skeins of silk thread are immersed in large tubs of hydrogen peroxide.
At the edges, the sweep of line slows and reclaims its identity as a distinct part among the skeins of marks.
Depending on the knot polynomial in question, the links (or tangles) appearing in a skein relation may be oriented or unoriented.
Furthermore, if it was too short, the skein produced a high amount of internal friction that would reduce the durability of the machine.
When washing a skein it works well to let the wool soak in soapy water overnight, and rinse the soap out in the morning.
The arms were drawn rearward with a winch lever to further twist the skeins and thus gain the torsion power to cast a projectile.

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