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Übersetzungen für sketchy im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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sketchy [ˈsketʃi] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Occasionally there's a little too much going on, resulting in a few sketchy moments as the album washes pleasantly past.
The character's real name is unknown and details of his background are sketchy.
Details of his life are sketchy, but most of his years of employment and at least one of his journeys are known.
It seems to have been sporadically inhabited, although records from this period are somewhat sketchy.
There is no resident doctor, no full-time physiotherapist, no dietician:: no laboratory, no space to use what sketchy equipment is available.
Other than those sketchy facts, there is so little physical description of him that the reader is not even sure what he looks like.
These sketchy maps contained just enough detail so that the two could combine their independent efforts, after determining the merits of each piece.
It was very sketchy and did not even name any characters...
When this was and how long the stay lasted can not be definitely resolved, due to sketchy source materials.
They either gave no "isnads", or gave "isnads" that were sketchy or deficient by later standards.

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