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Übersetzungen für sleeping bag im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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sleeping bag SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other things being equal, a thick sleeping bag is warmer than a thin one.
Instead, he preferred to be placed inside of an old sleeping bag, and requested that his friends disregard all state laws concerning burial.
Their stay can often resemble a camping trip, and a therapist is expected to bring his/her own sleeping bag and toiletries.
He hides beneath the robes (sleeping bag) of a young girl.
There was a mattress and a sleeping bag.
The only other gear she had was climbing gear, a lightweight sleeping bag, a portable espresso maker, water and food.
If the liner becomes wet, it can be removed from the shell and dried inside a sleeping bag.
In the end he sheltered in the wooden bus stop in his sleeping bag.
The dimensions of the pad are usually about the same length as a sleeping bag and a little wider.
The field pack has two major sections; the sleeping bag compartment, and the main compartment.

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