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Übersetzungen für slice up im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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slice up VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In one, a samurai is poised to slice up a disfigured, nearly naked gremlin of a man.
Together they slice up a light beam, remolding it as the rays cross the array.
Clocks can slice up the leap second and spread it around in fractions.
From the moment he forces his son to slice up a hissing earthworm (yes: hissing), his monstrous qualities begin to outgrow his wee stature.
Gently slice up the tender meat and tendon into approximately 1/2-inch pieces.
But he's just the man needed to slice up some very bad apples.
And it's not just about how you slice up the pie or even how big the pie is.
While both of those programs are already making a dent, there is obviously a big market to slice up.
The combination effect of the pillars serves to slice up a light beam and then remould it as the rays pass through the pillar array.
But it will be a real challenge to slice up the pie.

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