Englisch » Polnisch

I . slight [slaɪt] ADJ

2. slight hesitation, smell:

3. slight injury, tendency:

4. slight (slim and delicate):

II . slight [slaɪt] SUBST (snub)

III . slight [slaɪt] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für slightest

not to have the slightest idea
not to have the slightest [or faintest] idea

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Needless to say, most classes did not take the slightest notice of this prohibition.
Lacking even the slightest semblance of plainness, it is perhaps the ultimate incarnation of ugliness.
They will grab at even the slightest failure and scream at the top of their lungs at mistakes.
An early experiment reported not the slightest difference in taste between ordinary and heavy water.
However, the image was found intact and without the slightest sign of damage after the 2nd conflagration.
Some people, traumatized by the events of the earlier storm, left at the slightest hint of calamity.
In reality, there was not the slightest chance of making an economical Teletext system with 1971 technology.
He's so thin-skinned, wounded by the slightest disagreement.
She takes great offense whenever someone shows the slightest bit of disrespect towards him.
It means that an employee could be discharged and disgraced on the basis of anonymous allegations without the slightest opportunity to defend himself.

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