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Übersetzungen für slowdown im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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slowdown [ˈsləʊdaʊn, Am ˈsloʊ-] SUBST WIRTSCH

1. slowdown (slowing down):


2. slowdown AM → go-slow

Siehe auch: go-slow

go-slow SUBST Brit WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

With the slowdown of military operations, the 86th was inactivated in 1949.
With the economy facing its biggest slowdown since the early 1990s and facing recession, the government announced an economic stimulus package worth $10.4 billion.
This includes hardware glitches such as frame rate slowdown when too many characters are on the screen, and software bugs.
In some implementations, users would experience significant network slowdown when someone was using the console as a workstation.
When house building and sales slowed for a time in the late 80s, there was a significant slowdown in facility completion.
They can also be turned into sprites if the whole screen is needed, but this can cause slowdown.
First, the campaign came on the heels of an economic slowdown.
The graphics are also significantly reduced and the game suffers from heavy slowdown, most likely due to the memory capabilities.
During the economic slowdown between 1882 and 1886, socialist and anarchist organizations were active.
The developer justified the decision based on alleged slowdown during split-screen multiplayer in other games on the console and the competitive nature of the mode.

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