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Übersetzungen für spiff im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The project will help spiff up a section of downtown already in the midst of a renaissance.
In the cardinal's age, the rich and powerful employed renowned artists to spiff up their homes.
With this development, central business districts and their peripheral areas are challenged to spiff up their areas in order to keep up.
The tool also offers a number of themes, effects and transitions to spiff up any video.
Which requires this expensive retail space, and the renovation of 2003 did not just come from a desire to spiff up.
We spiffed the whole thing up and it kind of pieced itself together.
Instead, they are the outworking of how the economy would have to grow if it was going to be absolutely spiffing in five years' time.
Changing the color of your front door is one of the quickest ways to spiff up your home's curb appeal.
White numerals and hour markings add some spiff without sacrificing sophistication.

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