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Übersetzungen für splash down im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

splash down VERB intr

splash down spacecraft:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The bags splash down in the shallow water, and the aircraft jumps up when all that weight is released, as if a spring had been released.
The craft will splash down into the ocean and it won't be recovered.
Men are said to have differently shaped tear ducts, for instance, and can therefore retain the tears for longer before they splash down the cheek.
In which a bunch of macho has-beens and never-weres splash down in the action pond for one last go-round.
In the ride's finale the coaster trains are sent hurtling over a drop into a pool of water with a splash down finish.
The tears splash down their clothes.
When it rains, water accumulates in the spirals and can splash down, without warning and with force, potentially injuring anyone below.
Will it make a bigger splash down the line?
Additionally, contenders pulled off the wall splash down into the pool instead of simply dangling from their safety harnesses.
First the contestant must climb to the peak on the slippery staircase with flying paint, trying to hold out when gallons of water splash down on them.

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