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Übersetzungen für spotlight im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . spotlight SUBST

1. spotlight (beam of light):


2. spotlight (lamp):


3. spotlight übtr:

to be in the spotlight

II . spotlight <-ed, -ed [or spotlit, spotlit]> VERB trans

1. spotlight (direct attention):

to spotlight sb/sth

2. spotlight (shine):


Beispielsätze für spotlight

to spotlight sb/sth
to be in the spotlight

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But as the whole world celebrates loved-up couples, a spotlight will shine on the darker side of dating.
She finds it tricky with me being in the spotlight, though she'd never, ever want to go near a stage or perform herself.
It spotlights the work by and about women and creative documentary.
She takes a stand against vigilantes on the grounds that they steal the spotlight from real heroes.
They are sometimes spotted on roads when their eyes gleam red in the spotlight of a vehicle.
He often told the students he worked with about pouring ice cubes into the spotlights there just to keep them from overheating.
Big caimans can be spotted in the night when you approach them on a small boat equipped with a battery and a spotlight.
I'm sure he would have accepted the role of court jester -- anything, really, to shine a spotlight on him.
The girl, here moving to and fro in the spotlight... had a boyish build: slim hips, practically just the suggestion of a bust....
The editors settled upon the idea of showcasing representative articles and spotlighting the editors, choosing this concise, best of format to catch the high points.

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