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Übersetzungen für sprinkling im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

sprinkling [ˈsprɪŋklɪŋ] SUBST usu no Pl

a sprinkling of people
a sprinkling of grey hairs

I . sprinkle [ˈsprɪŋkl̩] VERB trans

1. sprinkle with liquid:

kropić [perf po-]

2. sprinkle with salt, herbs, sugar:

sypać [perf po-]

II . sprinkle [ˈsprɪŋkl̩] SUBST usu no Pl

1. sprinkle of salt, sugar:

2. sprinkle AM (rain):

Beispielsätze für sprinkling

a sprinkling of people
a sprinkling of grey hairs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One of the best and simplest ways to enjoy morels is by gently sauteeing them in butter, cracking pepper on top and sprinkling with salt.
Such reforms can also be used to add a sprinkling of liberal legitimacy for the regime and open the country to external capital.
Adults are dirty yellowish with a very light darker sprinkling on the forewings.
This was then painted with tar and topped off with a sprinkling of sand.
Red or green food coloring may be used to color the kalamai, followed by a sprinkling of cinnamon on the surface.
Young people eagerly go to the cinema in their free time; at school they have the usual sprinkling of eccentric teachers.
The houses are mainly modern brick and tile houses but there is a sprinkling of post-war weatherboard homes in the area.
The soil is dry, loose and stony, generally level with a sprinkling of small isolated hills.
The topography of the province has made most of the inhabitants farmers or fishermen, with a sprinkling of merchants, factory workers and professionals.
The spider dissolves into a young woman sprinkling coins onto the ground.

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