Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für stigmatize im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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stigmatize, stigmatise Brit [ˈstɪgmətaɪz] VERB trans


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many people who have been stigmatized feel as though they are transforming from a whole person to a tainted one.
T-shirts claiming that they were part of a general societal mood that stigmatized and victimized boys.
They feared that the county would be stigmatized as a death county.
It is sometimes considered a type of glide-cluster reduction, but is much less widespread than wh-reduction, and is generally stigmatized where it is found.
Others claim that ordering the needy to drug test stereotypes, stigmatizes, and criminalizes them without need.
Married patients usually could not bring up babies, and children born of leprosy patients could be stigmatized in the future.
The current pronunciation varies greatly depending on the geographical dialect and sociolect (with, especially, stigmatized except at the beginning of a word).
So, if it's being stigmatized, in fairness, it's probably right to find out why it is being stigmatized.
Sufferers are often stigmatized, because both medical professionals and the general public tend to think that pain from a psychological source is not real.
Since her unemployed husband was also stigmatized by the communist regime, she was forced to teach in an elementary school within this period.

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