Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für stipulate im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

stipulate [ˈstɪpjəleɪt] VERB trans

to stipulate conditions
to stipulate that...

Beispielsätze für stipulate

to stipulate conditions
to stipulate that...

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The specific connection of the life conditions has stipulated the development of the different biological systems.
How much land should be protected as forest space and how much should be cleared is also stipulated.
Often, a distance of nearly half-a-mile is stipulated, which ensure that new strip clubs can not open in many major cities.
The foundation's indenture of trust stipulates that the paintings in the collection be kept in exactly the places they are.
This approach stipulates that only analog recording processes, and no computer manipulation, may be used.
State governments are sometimes involved in the organisation of annual yatras, stipulating numbers, registering yatris, and regulating yatri traffic.
Throughout the remainder of the field, only the top ten finishers earn prize money, rules stipulating all entries complete the 500 mi to collect.
As a result, they stipulated that he be granted 1 sqmi of the land they forfeited.
The board stipulates eligibility to participate in district policy.
The lease agreement stipulated that the land would revert to the city if the government abandoned it.

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