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Übersetzungen für suave im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

suave [swɑ:v] ADJ


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He's a rich, suave guy who also happens to be a chick magnet.
Twelve years later he is still a charismatic, suave womaniser, who has extended his empire to the Mideast.
He is calm, suave, and quick to act, and makes the most of all opportunities presented.
He was at his best in roles of suave or energetic villainy or hypocrisy.
Bond cuts a suave figure, be it in a dinner jacket prowling a casino, or a ski outfit outracing a legion of no-name henchmen.
In an attempt at trying to play it suave, he holds one of the mannequin's hands, only for the mannequin's hand to come off.
The people are still waiting patiently for the smiling smooth talk and suave presentation to stop and the new action to begin.
His physical appearance and suave voice equipped him for roles as slick politician, corrupt businessman, crooked sheriff, or unscrupulous lawyer.
Finishing with singer even manages to be suave in his mugshot, which is no small feat!
As a man, he was a prince among men suave, gracious, courtly, and dignified.

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