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Übersetzungen für subheading im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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subheading [ˈsʌbˌhedɪŋ, Am ˈsʌbˌ-] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Use headings, subheadings, font sizes, bold fonts and italic fonts in proportion to the importance of the item.
The name of the movement makes sense to me, but perhaps could use a subheading or some other element in order to clarify its meaning.
The book is composed of a collection of vignettes with a subheading to preview each chapter.
In some cases, tables of contents contains a high quality description of the chapter's but usually first-level header's section content rather than subheadings.
Finally, subheadings will always indicate special cases of their superheadings.
Paragraphs sometimes stretch on for pages at a time, while the text is unfortunately void of any subheadings.
A document may also be considered to be divided into sections by its headings and subheadings, which may be used for a table of contents.
In particular, the omission of a subheading dealing with the advantages (if any) of an open marketing sales process supports this view, the report states.
Use headings and subheadings to allow visual scanning of content.
Additionally, their headline and subheading use clear and concise language to describe the intent of the page.

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