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Übersetzungen für subset im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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subset [ˈsʌbset] SUBST MATH


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

On the other hand, the short supermultiplets admit a subset of supercharges that annihilate the whole representation.
Such a group might include all human beings, or a subset thereof consisting of more than one person.
Each site contains up to the full 3.9 gigabytes of data, or a subset of it if the mirror's maintainer wishes to selectively choose.
B virus is an alphaherpesvirus, which consists of a subset of herpes viruses that travel within hosts using the peripheral nerves.
Every locally finite collection of subsets of a topological space is also point finite.
The theorem gives an infinite number of trace identities, but it can be reduced to a finite subset.
The strict sense is used e.g. in category theory, where a subset relation has to be modelled explicitly by an inclusion function.
The simplest algorithm is to test each possible subset of features finding the one which minimises the error rate.
The spatial relationships between the regions bounded by each curve (overlap, containment or neither) corresponds to set-theoretic relationships (intersection, subset and disjointness).
A measurable subset of a standard probability space is a standard probability space.

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