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Übersetzungen für sulk im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . sulk [sʌlk] VERB intr


II . sulk [sʌlk] SUBST

to be in a sulk

Beispielsätze für sulk

to be in a sulk

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Despite this he was often criticised for being inconsistent and sulking if he felt the opposition were not playing in the spirit of the game.
For example, an individual fixated at an earlier developmental stage might cry or sulk upon hearing unpleasant news.
She sits on the stairs sulking when someone knees her in the head.
Despite this, he is known for his manipulative attitudes, constant whining and sulking over minor matters.
She promptly punches him in the nose and then sulks alone in the playground.
As a result she sulked during the race and failed to perform.
While her husband sulked or withdrew with hurt pride from a situation, she came to the forefront to plead his case or cause.
One day when coming home and sulking in the bathtub, a mysterious, nude girl appears out of nowhere.
She tends to sulk when she feels that she is being ignored.
Upon his defeat he is seen sulking into town whilst the townsfolk pelt him with old fruit.

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