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Übersetzungen für supply-side economics im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A leading economic theory advocated is supply-side economics.
He chose to increase taxes sharply, rejecting supply-side economics which he judged too speculative.
Typical policy recommendations of supply-side economics are lower marginal tax rates and less regulation.
In particular, he is a proponent of supply-side economics.
In the 1970s, monetarism has adapted into supply-side economics which advocates reducing taxes as a means to increase the amount of money available for economic expansion.
As in classical economics, supply-side economics proposed that production or supply is the key to economic prosperity and that consumption or demand is merely a secondary consequence.
He wove these sociological themes into the economic policy prescriptions of supply-side economics.
It also believes that the reduced taxes will stimulate economic activity that will actually increase the tax revenue collected -- your classic supply-side economics.
Although the term supply-side economics may have been coined later, the idea was experimented with in the 1920s.
And even the case studies that do argue for supply-side economics are more ambiguous than they seem at first blush.

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