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Übersetzungen für suss im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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suss [sʌs] VERB trans Brit ugs

1. suss (realize):

to suss that...
to suss sb/sth [out]

2. suss (investigate):

to suss sth out

Beispielsätze für suss

to suss sth out
to suss that...
to suss sb/sth [out]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There are numerous minor refinements, tweaks, and exceptions in the room numbering and naming, providing plenty of material for a trivia contest, or for sussing out would-be imposters.
It's another to suss out how cheap it can actually get, and to make peace with that.
But he was initially just a little shy and sussing things out.
A formal network analysis could suss out all these sheep.
You had a player who knew he had been sussed.
Winter tires come with some drawbacks, of course, especially when you're trying to suss out a sporty car's character.
The street child who survives becomes street-smart, and the boy must have quickly sussed that revolutions produce opportunity as well as blood in the streets.
How do you suss that out when you're hiring?
Even sussing out the origin of those rib issues was tough.
But then you think like a scientist, and you can only really suss it out when you've tried every single other option.

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