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Übersetzungen für swathe im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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swathe [sweɪð] VERB trans liter

swath, swathe [swɒθ, Am swɑ:θ] SUBST

1. swath (large strip):

pas m

2. swath (area):

rejon m

3. swath LANDW:

pokos m

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Vast swathes of the forest were burned and cleared for sugar plantations.
The painting is regarded as an example of his subtle humor expressed as gestural swathes rendered in commercial harshness as a parody of action painting.
Roughly 13,345 acres (5,400 hectares) of forests and agricultural land was affected by the storm; some swathes of trees experienced defoliation.
Oak, birch and occasional hornbeam grow alongside swathes of rhododendron.
He appeared before the court with one leg and his surviving arm swathed in bandages.
In the scene, an actress was lying on a bed swathed in white sheets.
As the continent dried, rainforest trees dwindled and were replaced by swathes of open woodland, thickets and grassland.
Heads were swathed around and under the chin with several folds of linen.
There is an icecap in the middle of the island but large swathes of land are unglacierized in the north and southwest.
Large swathes of formerly inaccessible tropical forests were destroyed, leaving a negative ecological legacy.

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