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Übersetzungen für swims im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . swim <-mm-, swam, swum> [swɪm] VERB intr

1. swim (move through water):

płynąć [perf po-]

2. swim (have ability or routine):

she swims every day

4. swim (feel dizzy):

5. swim (seem to move):

II . swim <-mm-, swam, swum> [swɪm] VERB trans

1. swim (cross):

III . swim [swɪm] SUBST

Beispielsätze für swims

she swims every day

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Swim tickets cost 10 cents each or 15 for a dollar.
A nudist colony resident who went for a swim was chomped by an alligator and had to be rescued by her nudist husband.
He brought the man, who could not swim, to safety with the aid of a life belt.
Often swim alongside the bow of vessels and frolic in the bow waves.
He can swim at high speeds, leap out of the water and strike with his bill.
Only some scraggly weeds stick up where generations of children splashed happily and learned to swim.
It was also possible to ride a bicycle, swim, windsurf or even make a parachute jump from a helicopter.
Students selling baked goods behind a foldout table paused to swim short relays.
When the children reach the edge, they jump off and swim through the air.
After all a moorhen is a sort of duck, both swim.

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